Baby Led Weaning Recipes 6 Months: A Beginner's Guide

Weaning on solid food for your baby is a great occasion. Weaning recipes for 6 month old babies are devised so babies become independent, curious, and properly nourished. It removes spoon-feeding pureed food; the infants are given soft, manageable food, and one allows them to feed themselves. Let us examine some yummy weaning recipes suitable for a 6-month baby that are simple to prepare yet healthy too.

What is Baby Led Weaning?

Baby led weaning is the type of feeding given to a baby in a finger food fashion instead of a spoon. Thus, the baby can develop motor skills and hand-to-eye coordination and build a healthy outlook towards food. The babies can touch, feel, and taste different textures and flavors while dining. Thus, dining is made enjoyable and lively.

Best baby foods led weaning at 6 months

At six months, soft foods should be prepared in a way that will make them easily picked and gummed. Some ideal first foods include:

●   Steamed vegetables: cuts of carrots and broccoli, as well as sweet potato, are loaded with nutrients but very easy to hold.

●    Soft fruits: banana, avocado, and ripe mango are good starter options

Make sure that the foods must be cut into sizes that can be safely held by your baby.

Easy Weaning Recipes for 6-Month-Old Babies

1. Avocado Mash Fingers


●      ½ ripe avocado

●      1 slice of whole-grain bread


●      Mash the avocado and put it on the bread

●      Cut into finger strips

●      Serve as a soft nutritious snack

2. Steamed Sweet Potato Sticks


1 medium sweet potato


●      Boil the potatoes peel and cut them into long sticks

●      Steam till soft but not mushy

●      Cool and serve

How to Baby Led Wean Safely

●      Monitor your baby at each mealtime.

●      Give your baby soft, portioned foods that will not choke him.

●      Take one food at a time so as to monitor allergic reactions.


Baby led weaning will create independence and develop skills to try out recipes on weaning for 6-month-old babies. Start with easy and nutritious recipes like avocado fingers or steamed vegetables. The more your baby grows, the more variety they should have so that mealtime becomes interesting. Ready to plunge into solids? Read this article for more advice and ideas!


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